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Swift Current tax notices are coming with a new format

Posted on 2 June 2022 by Prairie Post


The City of Swift Current Taxation Department has mailed out 2022 Property Tax notices for delivery to Swift Current property owners, but the notices have a new look.

Changes have been made to the format of Property Tax notices to offer property owners more information about how their taxes have been calculated, in a modernized, easier-to-read layout, with specific distinctions between municipal and education taxes. 

How is property tax calculated?

Each year, recurring factors affect property taxes which are based on a property’s assessed value – municipal uniform rate and mill rate factors, and education mill rates.

The City is responsible for setting the municipal uniform mill rate and mill rate factors. The approved municipal budget for 2022 reflected a 2.15% tax increase; therefore, municipal taxes distinctly set out on each property tax notice will reflect an increase. 

Education Mill rates are set and controlled by the Province of Saskatchewan for public school support and Holy Trinity School Division for separate school support. The City is responsible to levy and collect the education tax but has no authority to set the mill rate. Education mill rates have increased; therefore, education taxes distinctly set out on each property tax notice will reflect that increase.

City of Swift Current General Manager of Corporate Services, Kari Cobler explains, “The 2022 Property Tax Notices have been reformatted to provide more information to property owners regarding their school support, versus the portion of their taxes that is municipally determined, plus it sets out the mill rate and mill rate factors very plainly. Our hope is that property owners find the new notices useful in seeing a clearer picture of their total taxes payable.”

Property owners are encouraged to read their Property Taxes carefully upon receipt. 

The City of Swift Current Taxation Department can be reached via email at taxation@swiftcurrent.ca or call Nancy Lemay, Manager of Revenue & Collections at 306.778.2704, or Wanda Masse, Tax Roll Clerk at 306.778.2703.

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