October 21, 2024 October 21, 2024

Hope beats fear

Posted on 3 February 2022 by Prairie Post


Let’s be honest. I think we can all agree (pricked and un-pricked) that the last two years have royally sucked. Our governments and leaders (some who are trying their best, “emphasis” on some) media and so-called medical experts (Fauci, WHO, CDC, Health Canada etc.) in my opinion have all lied, deceived, distorted, denied, deflected, coerced, bribed, shamed and guilted us. We have been told to hate our neighbour, snitch, condemn and criticize them over the most ridiculous thing; a mask or getting pricked. The un-pricked have been told that they are selfish. Other than those afraid of becoming ill many of the pricked have surrendered so they can travel, party, go to restaurants, theatres and concerts so they can live “free.” But here is the kicker. Many of the pricked are still afraid to live their lives freely because they know they can still get sick and transmit. More and more pricked are ending up in the hospital. They are all still living in fear.

We have been conditioned for two years now to be afraid of a virus, of breathing, and of each other. This is no way to live.

I have learned a lot these two years. Mostly that fear enslaves, and hope frees.

I was bullied and abused as a child. I refuse to be bullied and abused by anyone as an adult, especially by the government. I refuse to allow fear to enslave me. Hope beats fear. I remember when Brad Wall was running for premier. That was his slogan I believe. Why did he use that? Because the opposing party (which shall remain unnamed) would always use fear to try and win. Brad was right! Hope beats fear.

When we allow, and I do mean allow, fear to control us we lose faith, hope and love. I believe in hope. I believe in the source of that hope. I hope you still do too. If not, please do. Without faith we have no hope. Without hope there is no love. Have you noticed how unloving people are lately?

Over the last 4  months I have seen this hope in people despite their stories of pain, loss and heartache. People are not just dying from Covid. They are dying from fear! Fear is killing people, killing jobs, and doing its best to kill hope.

Hope is not based on worldly things. Hope is based on something much greater. Hope is based on faith. Faith in God. Faith in each other. I jokingly say to my new friends that it is great to be surrounded by so many dirty people. Why? Because when we are together there is faith, hope and love. We genuinely care about each other. We are willing to make sacrifices and to suffer together. We still celebrate freedom. Freedom is the result of faith, hope and love. Fear deceives, faith frees, and freedom is still popular and according to Premier Scott Moe he is now acknowledging that freedom is essential.

No matter how hard things are or get, never give up hope. Surround yourself with people who have hope. Lean on each other. Pray with each other. Cry with each other. Love on each other and always have faith! 

Stacey Ellertson

Swift Current, Sk.

2 Responses to “Hope beats fear”

  1. Collette says:

    I agree with Mr. Ellertson 100%. The world has been in a tail spin for the last few years. Do this, do that, follow this rule, now that one. Deception, coercion, confusion, shame and fear have been some of the tactics used to get people receive the experimental jab. It changed everything!
    It is true that with hope and faith we are healthier and happier. I follow THAT science. Positive thinking actually contributes to healing! Let’s learn that no matter our vaccination status we NEED each other. Together we will reinstate our freedoms.

  2. m.holderbein@live.com says:

    Thank you Stacey for taking the time and having the courage to write this letter. I agree with all of it and pray that in time truth, hope and love will prevail over fear, shame and judgment for all people, regardless of vaccination status ❤️.

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