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The Local Love 50/50 will support Swift Current children

Posted on 20 April 2022 by Prairie Post

United Way is partnering with the Active Play Program to help raise funds in support of their free after school programming for Swift Current children. 

United Way has been involved with this worthy program since 2012 and continues to see the positive impact it has on families and children. 

As one parent expressed, “Our child really enjoyed the program. He was excited every week to attend and would ask throughout the week when it was time to go again. We feel that the program helped so much with his confidence. The games he played at the program have helped him to feel comfortable to participate in soccer at recess at school. We are thankful for this program!”

Over 2400 children have been able to participate in this free after school program thanks to the City of Swift Current! Fun fact: 100% of parents who registered their children this year said that they would register them again next year.

The Local Love 50/50 will run from April 19th – May 27th and proceeds are going to Active Play for the 2022/2023 school year.

Why Active Play? Many children in our community are unable to access extra-curricular activities due to financial and/or transportation barriers. United Way prioritizes the wellbeing of children and one of our key pillars is “All That Kids Can Be”. 

Active Play has an important role in our community in that it provides inclusive access to after school opportunities for all children regardless of their socio-economical background. It is a safe environment where kids can be kids, engage in physical activity, eat a nutritious snack, and learn about the importance of healthy eating and wellness. Children also have the opportunity to build relationships with positive, trained, and encouraging activity leaders.

Organizers want to ensure this vital program remains available to all students in Swift Current. 

Here’s how you can play a key role in the success of children in our city:

Buy your 50/50 tickets at http://www.trellis.org/local-love-5050-swift-current

Pricing: 1 for $10, 5 for $20, 25 for $50.

Please help us spread the word about the Local Love 50/50! If you have any questions related to the:

a. Local Love 50/50 – please reach out to Stacey at sschwartz@unitedwayregina.ca

b. More info on Active Play Program – please reach out to Val at v.choofoo@swiftcurrent.ca

Buy your tickets: http://www.trellis.org/local-love-5050-swift-current

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