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2021 Property tax notices mailed out this week

Posted on 3 June 2021 by Contributed
City of Swift Current sending out notices

The City of Swift Current’s Corporate Services Division wishes to advise residential and commercial property owners that it will be mailing out 2021 Property Tax Notices beginning the week of June 1st. 

Important information to consider:

•The deadline to pay Property Taxes, in full, is June 30, 2021.

•A 1% monthly penalty will be incurred by properties with taxes in arrears.

•All property owners are eligible to sign up for TIPS, our Tax Instalment Payment Service/Pre-authorized Payment Plan, where payments are equally spread out over 12 months. Visit http://www.swiftcurrent.ca/tips for more information.

â – ¦Note: If you’re already a TIPS customer, the taxation amount showing on your Tax Notice is for information purposes only.

How Revaluation impacts Property Taxes:

2021 is a Revaluation year. Revaluation occurs every four years, as legislated by the Government of Saskatchewan, to update residential and commercial property values to align with current market values. 2021 Revaluation reflects market values on January 1, 2019. This base date does not reflect the onset of COVID19, so any effects that the pandemic may have to the market and values are not considered in these assessments.

Revaluation will change the assessment value of most properties, with some seeing more significant shifts than others. Despite these value changes, the City utilizes tools to offset the effect this has on Property Taxes. Only properties with an assessed value that has changed to a greater degree than the average within their property tax class will see a tax change (increase or decrease) as a result of Revaluation.

Overall, the City will not be collecting additional property taxes in 2021, as there were no increases to the City’s Capital and Operating Budgets. While taxes for some properties may shift up or down, the total amount collected by the City will remain the same as in 2020.

City of Swift Current Taxation Contacts:           

•Phone: 306.778.2703 or 306.778.2704

•Email: taxation@swiftcurrent.ca

•Mailing Address: P.O. Box 340; Swift Current, SK, S9H 3W1 

•In person: City Hall, 177 1st Ave NE, Swift Current 

•Hours: 7:45 AM — 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays)

City of Swift Current sending out notices

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