February 11, 2025 February 11, 2025

Saskatchewan RCMP partners with 211 Saskatchewan to provide additional support to victims

Posted on 24 February 2021 by Contributed
More support for Sask. victims of crime

This past summer, the funding has been approved through the RCMP’s Family Violence Initiative Fund to complete a Division-wide, general duty business card re-print. The new business cards will have the RCMP contact information on the front, in English and French, and 211 Saskatchewan information on the back.

Victim assistance can be a frustrating process and victims are often required to call multiple service providers before getting the appropriate assistance. This can discourage victims from seeking assistance.

“Front line officers with the RCMP will use the business cards to inform clients of 211 Saskatchewan and provide them with an avenue of outreach when a social issue is beyond our scope of ability to help with,” says Constable Joelle Nieman, Saskatchewan RCMP’s Violence Relationship Coordinator.

This initiative was created to help victims of Intimate Partner Violence and family violence who often struggle in silence. 211 Saskatchewan will be an avenue to help empower victims to reach out for help and feel confident knowing they can access the services they need, immediately and within their own community.

 “211 Saskatchewan is grateful for our partnership with the RCMP. With 211 being available 24/7/365 through phone, text, web chat, or independent search online, help is available in the way that is most comfortable and convenient for the person seeking services,” says Kristin Nelson, Director of 211 Saskatchewan. “Over the phone, services are available in over 175 languages, including 17 Indigenous languages. We are focused on connecting people to supports and services in their community. Through this partnership, we can help people meet their needs through the most appropriate and effective channel.”

Saskatchewan RCMP participates in new initiatives to help victims and survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

The Saskatchewan RCMP is proud to take part in Saskatchewan Violence Prevention Week, which runs from November 30 to December 6, 2020.  Saskatchewan Violence Prevention Week is an opportunity to gather people together to focus on the prevention of violence and bring discussions of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) to the forefront. 

Violence in Relationships investigations remain a high priority for the RCMP. Police officers respond and attend to these types of calls for service immediately. These types of investigations are very complex.

From January to September 2020, there have been 3,711 victims of Intimate Partner Violence reported to the Saskatchewan RCMP. So far, 2,529 of these files resulted in charges.

In October 2019, the Saskatchewan RCMP launched its first Violence in Relationships Course. This training gave officers an opportunity to listen, firsthand, to the experiences of survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. This helped our officers increase their understanding of the cycles of violence and how interactions with police impacts the situation.

“We do not measure success on Intimate Partner Violence files by laying charges or making arrests,” says Cst. Nieman. “Success is measured by ensuring victims have support measures in place that meet their needs and ensuring they are safe.”

Resources to assist victims and survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

There are many resources that can assist victims and survivors with safety planning. Whether or not victims and survivors decide to report the violence to police, they can reach out to local victim services, shelters, cultural and community health centers, Indigenous friendship centers and other community centers for support.

If you think someone you know might be a victim or survivor, we encourage you to reach out to them and encourage them to seek support and identify their support network.

·        For more information on Intimate Partner Violence and abuse, creating safety plans and where to get support, visit: https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/relationship-violence/intimate-partner-violence-and-abuse.

·        Call 211, text 211 or visit website abuse.sk.211.ca to connect Intimate Partner Violence victims with resources in their community.

·        All non-emergency incidents can be reported to any local RCMP detachment by calling 306-310-RCMP (7267).

More support for Sask. victims of crime

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