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City of Swift Current’s Safe Places launches new certifications as of March 24

Posted on 24 March 2023 by Prairie Post


As of March 24, Safe Places will launch a new series of certifications. These new certifications include Safe Places AWARE Certified, Safe Places COMMUNITY Certified and Safe Places YOUTH Certified.

According to their website “Safe Places is a City of Swift Current initiative that began in 2016. with the intent to improve the services and support offered to youth in our community. The very first initiative we launched was Safe Places- Youth Certification. This program was implemented to improve quality programming while reducing the potential risks to children and youth. More recently we have launched a variety of certification designations that those working or caring for youth can apply for.

“Education and Training as well as background checks are part of the requirement for Safe Places certification and once approved, applicants receive a Safe Places designation which is valid for 4 years as well as are listed in our online Public Directory. We encourage all Youth Service Providers to mandate the Safe Places certification program and encourage as many communities and organizations as possible to find out how they can easily to implement this safeguarding tool as well.”

The role an individual plays with youth will determine which certification stream is required. Safe Places will work with community groups to determine the certification best suited to the roles within the organization.

The application process for Safe Places certifications will remain online via the Safe Places Portal with each certification requiring an element of background checks, education, and training.  All certifications will include: 

• Four (4) year certification

• Digital certificate emailed and available via the Online Portal

• Certified Individuals registered and searchable in the Online Public Directory

• Annual Declaration required to maintain certification.

• Should an individual’s role change from initial application, upgrades to a different certification will be available.

Applicants will be required to register for an ONLINE PORTAL ACCOUNT and submit the required paperwork for the specific certification stream. Upon expiry of certification, all recertifications will require paperwork to be resubmitted.  

All online training eligible for certification is accessible via http://www.SafePlaces.ca. 


Organizations can become AFFILIATED to Safe Places which offers benefits and services to ensuring their membership or staff are certified. Safe Places will also assist the organization in aligning their safeguarding policies with the Safe Places certification criteria. All affiliates will receive an Affiliate Certificate and are registered in the Public Directory.

For more information about Safe Places and the new certifications, please visit http://www.SafePlaces.ca. 

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