September 15, 2024 September 15, 2024

Take Back Alberta is really in charge of running the province now

Posted on 6 June 2023 by Ryan Dahlman


So the people have spoken! The UCP has been re-elected, and we have a Premier; but just who is it? We may believe it is someone called Danielle; but I beg to differ! 

 Let me explain. First off, the new UCP has a new name! Radical, you say? Well just who is it that is “leading” this new party? 

The old party was called the United Conservative Party, but is it? It appears that there are severe divisions in the party! In fact it could more accurately be called the Ultra Conservative Party!

 We have heard from a number of Conservative supporters that we should vote for the party, and not for the leader. Does this presage a removal of Danielle? The obvious answer seems to be, “Yes!”

 But who is going to replace her? The answer is“no-one”; the party already has a leader! He helped Danielle get to the position she holds now. The real power is in the hands of David Parker! He and the “Take Back Alberta” cabal (or consortium, if you wish) have orchestrated this election, and will continue to push their agenda in the next four years. David is our de facto premier!  There are those who will say that I am dreaming, and that my comments are “hogwash.” 

If you have doubts, then I invite you to do some research and find out what the “Take Back Alberta” supporters have advocated in the recent past: such as opposition to the mandatory vaccination during the Covid period, and see how similar Parker’s views are to the many positions that Danielle has espoused, i.e. a Sovereign Alberta; an Alberta pension plan; and a provincial police force, to name a few.

 Rest assured, dear reader, the TBA consortium/cabal has an agenda, and now they have an elected “leader” to help bring their desires to fruition!

 I fear for the Alberta I once knew! Woe is me! 

E.E. Balay


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