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Google Maps captures UFO in Bermuda Triangle

Posted on 4 May 2022 by Neel Roberts

In what looks to be a total fluke, the cameras on Google Earth seems to not only caught a glimpse of a UFO in Bermuda at the aquarium, museum & zoo in 2015 but it is even labelled so on their own maps! 

Located at 32°19’25.65″N 64°44’18.75″W, you can clearly see it in the sky https://www.google.ca/maps/@32.3238019,-64.7385382,2a,75y,278.46h,82.57t,357.61r/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLXstnU5n3YOKLPsE53WzeQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en. What’s more is if you look at the default map on N Shore Road by the Flamingo Exhibit, you’ll see a permanent icon marked “UFO” which has a photo linked to it. 

Google is actually confirming this picture, so it’s not a conspiracy theory. Given it was taken over 7 years ago, it has not gained as much traction as you’d think. I originally saw this on the YouTube channel UFO Sightings Daily https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQhbp52zX0ySztdZ5Oi1rXQ about 2 months ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNwhA0uiBPM and it’s had about 10,000 views so far. 

Normally, you’d think something so blatant would easily be a million plus views not to mention the possibility of censorship. 

However, there seems to be so many sightings lately even these videos are treated like yesterday’s newspaper. 

Four years ago, the Scottish Sun reported a similar spotting via a Google Map user https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/tech/3641654/google-maps-user-spots-ufo-floating-above-florida-swamp-in-broad-daylight-on-street-view-just-outside-the-bermuda-triangle/ over Big Cypress National Preserve in Southern Florida.

While it’s not specific where it was taken, it does credit Google Maps for the picture more than once. There’s probably more but you must look around to see how genuine they are. Lots of trolls, fake news and censorship doesn’t help in the search but when you do find a gem like the Bermuda at the aquarium, museum & zoo one in 2015, it’s a great feeling especially when the establishment confirms it. Are you a digital UFO hunter? 

If so, you may get a chance to get your name on Google Maps. When satellites snapped the real Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in 2009, I spotted it on Google Earth. Located at 39°42’33.07 N44°18’1.26E at 15,500 feet elevation in the North West Ahora Gorge https://sites.google.com/view/ararat717-new/#h.p_ovNDhdGyr6sh, it is remarkably clear when you consider the satellite is hundreds of miles high. Google Earth did censor later versions but for some reason kept this one up, so we can win using their tools. The Best is Yet to Come!

Sky watch for the next month:  Download this month’s sky free chart at http://whatsouttonight.com/Resources/2022MaySkyWOT.pdf    

1 Saturn & Quarter Moon rise into dawn- Sunday May 22nd look SE as they rise into the morning.

2 Mars & Jupiter rise with Crescent Moon lead by Saturn followed by Venus- Tuesday, May 24th look SE before dawn as these rises into the morning. 

3 Partial Sunrise solar eclipse? – Monday, May 30th look NE at 5:20 am with good solar filters on a scope or bino and you can catch this for about 15 minute as both the Sun and Moon rise about the same time.

4 Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower- caused by comet 1P Halley shoots 15-20 meteors per hour after Thursday evening May 05th and before dawn on Friday the 06th. The sky will be moonless for peak hours in the Constellation Aquarius (SEE).

Happy Victoria Long Weekend!

Neel Roberts is a local astronomer in Southern Alberta and welcomes your comments at Neel_Roberts@ptccanada.com, Tel: (403) 560-6574. Check out his work at http://www.ptccanada.com.

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