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Elon Musk and NASA head admit UFO’s are Real; is disclosure happening in 2022?

Posted on 7 January 2022 by Neel Roberts

Will the public finally know the truth about UFO’s? For centuries there have been sightings, rumors, publications, and lots of documentaries on this. While last year’s DNI report did admit some unidentified arial phenomena, most agree it was a big nothing burger. Recently, the new head of NASA Bill Nelson, a former US senator from Florida admitted “Who am I to say that planet Earth is the only location of a life form that is civilized and organized like ours?” Avril Haines, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), who oversees all 16 US spy agencies including the FBI and CIA further opened the door to alien life at the  “Our Future in Space”  event at the Washington National Cathedral 

Elon Musk tweeted back in September that UFO’s are real which lite up the internet for days Musk never escapes controversy as some praise his recent works like the Star Link satellite system ( while others loth him as fraudulent bum who never worked a day in his life Only time will sort that out but a recent photo of a mysterious  inverted stealth aircraft shape being transported on a flatbed trailer at Skunk Works headquarters Plant 42 in Palmdale, California around September 22nd, 2021 turned many heads. Jeff Babione, the boss of Lockheed Martin’s  Skunk Works advanced projects division,  declined to comment in a somewhat cryptic way as to what it is but it doesn’t seem to be anything normal to the Earth.

If you’re really willing to go down the rabbit hole, Dr. Michael Salla recently did 2 interviews in late 2021 with a US Army Whistleblower claiming to be working on a covert mission to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, Soldier JP is keeping his name and physical appearance confidential to preserve his career but is encouraging other former or serving US military personnel to come forward to share their own extraterrestrial related experiences. No doubt lots is going on and while I’m not expecting a full disclosure anytime soon, more will trickle out this year. However, the question is whether the people can absorb the information without being overwhelmed? While society may believe Musk and NASA, Dr. Salla maybe too hard to swallow. Personally, I struggled with it for decades and only recently concluded to the reality of UFO’s and aliens. Each person must do their own research and satisfy themselves without caving into pressure of the “conspiracy jack in the box”. Finding your own treasure is one of the best feelings one can experience. THE BEST IS YET YO COME!

Sky watch for the next month:  Download this month’s sky free chart at 

Sky watch for the next month:  

1 Mercury Monday- On January 10th look SW after sundown and you’ll see Mercury below Saturn until about 06:30 pm with the naked eye.

2 Mars & Moon morning- On Wednesday, January 29th look SE around 6:30 am as they rise in conjunction into the daylight.

3 New Moon/No Moon Monday- On January 31st a great dark sky for general stargazing as no light will be around to block deep objects.

4 Quadrantid Meteor Shower- Peaks just after New Years on Monday, January 03rd after dusk going on about a week. Best viewing in the Bootes constellation (NEE) and a Moonless night you may catch up to produce some 40 meteors per hour. 

Public Events for the next month:

As event return to “boots on the ground” check out the virtual gatherings at- 

  Happy New Year and the best for 2022 and beyond!

Neel Roberts is a local astronomer in Southern Alberta and welcomes your comment at, Tel: (403) 560-6574. Check out his work at 

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