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New docuseries takes “deep” dive into the UFO File

Posted on 1 September 2021 by Neel Roberts

With President Trump’s anticipated return to the spotlight, another program is about to make as much of an appearance as him. The long-kept secret of the UFO file will start to unfold itself with the Space Force, http://www.spaceforce.mil, this year and moving into the decade. 

A new docuseries called “Cosmic Top Secret” goes into much detail about the program’s history and how it fits into all the pantomime going on today. Located on the Enigma Channel https://enigmachannel.com, they are an English media company founded by British filmmaker Chris Everard, a lifetime explorer of mysteries, supernatural and unexplained phenomena. With the consciousness of the masses raising fast, the majority are now resorting to independent media over mainstream and Everard was well ahead of his time when he started on his own company decades ago. 

The UFO file is the highest classified report in the US government and possibly the world. Rated at Magistrate Level 35, it is 18 levels higher than the normal access a US President has and is rumored to have knowledge beyond our comprehension. Space Force is not just another branch of the military taking over for NASA, but it is an armed intelligence agency appointed to protect the world’s people from evil. If I could summarize the movie in one phrase, it would be this, “There is a war going on in space—and we’re involved for the fight of our life!” At the time of writing there are 2 parts to the docuseries with similar ones on the way. The cost of an annual subscription is about $40.00 and is so well worth it. The education alone you get from these professionally, well documented films surpasses the cost but entertainment while learning is the cat’s meow. There’s no learning institute like this and never will be, so get involved. Humanity is ready for the truth about UFO’s, aliens, and technology light years ahead of our imagination. Are we on the edge of the golden era? The Best is Yet to Come!

Sky watch for the next month: Download this month’s sky free chart at http://whatsouttonight.com/Resources/2021SepSkyWOT.pdf  

1Spica & Venus set into the twilight- Sunday, September 05th before sunset look SWW at around 19:30 to catch this before they set at 21:15.

2Saturn & Jupiter day shots- Thursday September 16th & Friday September 17th look SEE near the Moon with good binos or a scope and see them in daylight from 18:45 to nightfall.

3Fall Equinox- On Wednesday, September 22nd at 1:21 pm the summer’s officially over. 

4Zodiacal Light- is a faint, roughly triangular, whitish glow seen in the night sky extended up from the vicinity of the sun along the ecliptic or zodiac. Discovered by the astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini in 1683 and later explained by Nicolas Fatio de Duillier in 1684, it’s trying to find, and the best time is from Sunday, September 05th for 2 weeks in the east morning twilight.

Public Events for the next month:

Happy Fall and shorter days!

Neel Roberts is a local astronomer in Southern Alberta and welcomes your comment at Neel_Roberts@ptccanada.com, Tel: (403) 560-6574. Check out his work at http://www.ptccanada.com. 

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