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8th annual Move for Mental Health Fun Run/Walk going on this week

Posted on 5 May 2021 by Taneil Zanidean, AHS
Mental Health Fun Run/Walk going strong

Participate in the 8th Annual Move for Mental Health Fun Run/Walk! Community Coming Together (CCT) is hosting their annual Move for Mental Health Fun Run/Walk ONLINE!

Due to COVID-19, CCT is unable to hold the event in the same way they have previously, but the event will still be held online. You can “attend” the event anytime between May 2-8.  

This is a FREE event to kick off Mental Health Week and to bring awareness and begin conversations around mental health. Simply register for free at http://www.MoveForMH.eventbrite.ca and commit to Move for Mental Health (walk, run, bike, roller blade, roll your wheelchair, dance, etc.) any time from May 2-8, for any distance you are comfortable doing.

There are lots of ways you can participate in the event this year. Here are just a few ideas and check out our event website to get the most up-to-date information: http://www.Move4MH.weebly.com:

  • Wear the colour green (the colour of mental health awareness).
  • May 5 is Hats on for Mental Health day. Take this opportunity to wear your silliest hat! 
  • Wear our run bibs to feel like you’re in a real race! Simply print at home on plain paper & attach the bibs using safety pins.  You can find the bibs at http://www.move4mh.weebly.com/how-can-i-participate
  • Post photos of your activity to our social media using #Move4MH2021. Tell us what motivated you to participate, or what you do to look after your mental wellness.
  • Take your M4MH to one of the many great trails in Medicine Hat (or in your own community). See the map & checklist on our website to discover some new trails or enjoy your favourites. (http://www.move4mh.weebly.com/how-can-i-participate)
  • Visit our M4MH website for updated information on our event and to check out where in the world people are participating in M4MH. (http://www.Move4MH.weebly.com).

To register, visit http://www.MoveforMH.eventbrite.ca

For more information, contact Patti Wagman, CCT Program Manager at 403-580-0147 or visit our event website: http://www.move4MH.weebly.com. Community Coming Together is a mental health capacity building project that aims to promote mental wellness within the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education schools.

Mental Health Fun Run/Walk going strong

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