February 19, 2025 February 19, 2025

Framing a Pathway: a virtual event which will help help heal in mental wounds in Southern Alberta

Posted on 3 March 2021 by Contributed
CMHA has new virtual event this month

The Canadian Mental Health Association of Alberta Southeast Region (CMHA ASER) is thrilled to announce on March 20; a live stream event called Framing a Pathway Forward. The day-long event intends to help the community frame a pathway forward in healing through messages that focus on hope.

The Keynote speaker for this event is Theo Fleury. Theo Fleury is a leading voice in Canada for relational trauma who’s team is working on destigmatizing the shame associated with trauma by encouraging relationships, conversations and a holistic approach to mental wellness. Theo’s presentation is titled “The Power of Me Too.” It’s a captivating and emotional talk that helps provide hope which is the main focus of the event. 

You will also hear from a wide variety of individuals who have lived experience and stories to share that will provide insight into how they came out of the darkness and are now using their experiences to help others find their pathway forward. As if that wasn’t enough, we are so thankful for Derek Hintz and Snakes & The Riot, who have agreed to provide entertainment throughout the day, along with our Emcee Trevor Moore who has been open about his journey and experience with Chronic Pain, OCD and Depression and how he found his pathway forward.

This event has been a collaborative effort with CMHA ASER, The Medicine Hat & District Food Bank, Our Collective Journey and For all the Brothers. In February, the four groups came together knowing they wanted to put together a lineup of speakers to help spread the message of hope. The group recognized it was necessary to focus on healing and help meet people wherever they may be on their journey to discover a pathway forward in life.

“Coming together with the three other organizations and working toward the same common goal has been a tremendous experience for all of us,” says Sandra Milne, Executive Director of CMHA ASER. “We are grateful that Theo has agreed to share his story and that our other speakers can also offer insight on the word HOPE and how to focus on the pathway forward. We have topics that will resonate with a wide variety of people, which was one of the main goals when we discussed the vision for this event.”

Framing a Pathway Forward will be streamed online. The Organizers are also asking public locations such as restaurants or pubs to consider having their TVs tuned in to the stream from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. to help raise awareness in our community of the speakers and their essential topics. The group invites individuals to log-in for the entire day or a few sessions. The full schedule is at framingapathwayforward.com. 

CMHA has new virtual event this month

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