March 12, 2025 March 12, 2025

Nominations for the position of Directors of the Swift Current Chamber of Commerce now open

Posted on 1 February 2021 by Contributed
Chmaber looking for interested contributors

The Board of Directors currently consists of thirteen (13) members plus two appointed representatives who are responsible for mobilizing the resources of the community to achieve Chamber objectives. It is the responsibility of the Board to ensure the talents and energies of members are enlisted and that the responsibility and authority of committees are clearly defined. 

Bylaw, Article V, Section 21 – is the bylaw section under which provisions for a period of open nominations is required and the election process is laid out. This open period of open nominations will close at 3 p.m. March 1.

There are a total of three positions available for nomination. 

If more than three nominations are received, the names of those nominated will be placed on a ballot, which will be sent to all members, to be marked and returned. The three nominees receiving the highest number of votes will be declared elected for a three-year term. The newly elected officers

will be formally installed at the Annual General Meeting on held virtually on March 24 at 5 p.m.

The Board of Directors meet 12 times per year for approximately two hours each meeting. Directors are expected to attend at least 65% of these meetings. Each Director is expected to sit on a least one Chamber or Special Event committees. Time commitments can vary, but will generally average 1-3 hours per month. The Executive, comprised of up to five Board members, meets 12 times per year for approximately one hour each time. 

If you have an interest in either allowing your name to stand in the election, or wish to nominate another member in good standing, they ask that

Those interested contact the Swift Current & District Chamber of Commerce, either by phone (306) 773-7268, or email, orreturn this form by fax (306) 773-5686.

Chmaber looking for interested contributors

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