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Swift Current RCMP deal with a lying boyfriend, road rage and ‘ring and run’ Feb. 4-6

Posted on 9 February 2022 by Prairie Post

The following is a synopsis of calls for service for the dates indicated:


4:05 PM – while on patrol officers issued a ticket to the driver of a Ford F350 for speeding.

4:59 PM – while on patrol officers issued a ticket to the driver of a grey Subaru lmpreza for failing to obey a stop sign.

6:33 PM – report of the complainant being involved in a road rage incident and assault. The complainant, an adult female, attended the Detachment to report a male driving a grey Hyundai Accent had pulled out in front of her, cutting her off and she had honked at the vehicle. When the Hyundai stopped the complainant rolled down her window and told the male he had cut her off and he began yelling at her. The female continued up the street and parked her vehicle and when she was entering a business the same male came out of the business and continued yelling profanities at the female. When the female tried to get by the male to enter the business he would not allow her to pass and then pushed her to the ground. A plate number for the Hyundai was able to be obtained during the incident and the male had been identified. This matter is still under investigation.

8:42 PM – while on patrol officers issued a written warning to a driver for failing to obey a stop sign.

9:12 PM – while on patrol officers issued a written warning to the driver of a white Chevrolet 2500 for failing to obey a stop sign.


1 :46 AM – 911 call of some young males ringing the caller’s door bell and then running away. The subjects took off in a black BMW with a loud muffler on Highland Drive. Police made patrols, located the vehicle, occupied by two young males and conducted a traffic stop. During the stop police noted open alcohol containers in the back seat of the vehicle that the passenger made claim to. The driver of the vehicle was given a roadside alcohol screening test, resulting in a warning. The male driver was issued a sixty-day provincial driving suspension and a three day vehicle impoundment. The driver and passenger were each issued tickets under the Alcohol & Gaming Regulations Act for having, giving, keeping or consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle.

5:15 AM – 911 static line call at a location on the 100 block of 4th Avenue NW. Police attended the location and confirmed no emergency was taking place. No one was at the location and officers ensured all doors and windows were secure.

5:45 AM – 911 static line call from a business on the 1100 block of South Service Road E. Officers attended the business and confirmed no emergency was taking place. No one was at the business and police ensured all doors and windows to the business were secure.

8:40 AM – while on patrol officers issued a ticket to the driver of a Volvo semi for driving without due care and attention.

4:16 PM – request to conduct a wellbeing check on the caller’s adult daughter who resides in Swift Current and has not been heard from in approximately two weeks and has not been at her place of employment. While police were making attempts to locate the female the caller advised her daughter had begun to respond to her text messages again and she would be seeing her in a couple of days.

5:35 PM – report of gas and dash from a business on the 400 block of North Service Road E. The caller advised that twenty minutes prior a black SUV filled their vehicle with fuel and the card used at the pump had been declined. No plate number was able to be obtained.

7:30 PM – report of a theft. The caller advised that when she was coming out of a business on the 1700 block of Memorial Drive she saw three males running away from her vehicle and now one of her water jugs was missing. Police made patrols but did not locate anyone in the area matching the description provided by the caller. The caller advised she was not interested in seeking restitution for the jug and was only concerned they may steal other items.

8:13 PM – while on patrol officers issued a written inspection ticket to the driver of a brown Mercury Grand Marquis to have a tail light on the vehicle repaired.

10:20 PM – while on patrol officers issued a written inspection ticket to the driver of a white Cadillac Escalade to have a tail light on the vehicle repaired . The driver was also issued a written warning for holding more than one driver’s licence.

11 :31 PM – report of a male stumbling on the 2nd Avenue overpass who appears to be impaired and keeps looking over the railing. Police attended the area and located the male, who was highly intoxicated. Once the male was told he was under arrest for being drunk in public the male resisted and began to fight with police but was able to be arrested. After the arrest police also leanred the male was on court ordered conditions to maintain a 1 0pm curfew. The adult male was

held in police custody until he was sober and provided a future court date. The male will be charged with one count of failing to comply with his probation order and one count of resisting arrest under the Criminal Code.


6:57 AM – while on patrol officers issued tickets to the driver of a white Freightliner semi for parking in a no-parking zone and failing to comply with an official sign establishing no-parking on North Service Road E.

7:04 AM – while on patrol officers issued a ticket to the driver of a grey Toyota Corolla for failing to obey a stop sign.

8:59 AM – 911 call of the windows being damaged at a business on the 200 block of North Service Road W sometime overnight. This matter is still under investigation.

1 :33 PM – report of the complainant being assaulted by a family member. This matter is still under investigation.

3:48 PM – while on patrol officers issued a written warning to the driver of a black Honda Accord for speeding.

4:06 PM – 911 call of a dispute at a business on the 2000 block of South Service Road W. Police attended the location and determined two males had gotten into an argument. Nothing physical occurred between the two and no charges were laid in relation to the incident.

6:58 PM – while on patrol officers issued a written warning to the driver brown Jeep Cherokee for operating a motor vehicle without valid registration.

7:08 PM – report of the complainant being assaulted by a male known to him. The complainant did not wish to have the matter pursued by police, he only wanted it documented for information purposes.

9:01 PM – request to conduct a wellbeing check on the complainant’s boyfriend who had messaged her approximately three hours prior saying he thought he was being followed by another vehicle and he was no longer answering phone calls. While police were attempting to locate the male he attended the Detachment with his girlfriend to report an assault. The male provided a statement to police stating he had been knocked out, kidnapped and woke up in a room with his wrists restrained by two men wearing ski masks. The male told police that he had been at an establishment on the 200 block of 1st Avenue NW when he’d gone unconscious. During the interview police mentioned they would be able to obtain video footage from the business, identifying who the suspects were and that is when the male stopped the interview and advised police he was lying and had created the story to avoid having to tell his current girlfriend that he had been at his ex-girlfriend’s residence and that was why he had not been answering his phone. The male was given a stern verbal warning by police about the criminal consequences of lying to police and that he could have been charged. The male was very apologetic.

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