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Russia’s Monument to the Conquerors of Space is 21st Century Prophecy

Posted on 1 June 2023 by Neel Roberts

Few in the West know about astronomical accomplishments outside of North America. The American Space Museum (Kennedy Space Center) https://www.kennedyspacecenter.com in Titusville, Florida displaying some impressive monuments https://spacewalkoffame.org/monuments this side of the pond is probably most renowned. In Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan the “Monument to the Astronauts” https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/monument-in-honour-of-conquerors-of-outer-space-zhezkazgan-kazakhstan–342203271666403146/ located at 47°47’57″N 67°43’7″E has seen better days but nevertheless was noteworthy for it’s time. The “Monument to the Conquerors of Space” built almost 60 years ago in Moscow is still impressive by today’s standard. 

After the 1958 launch of Sputnik 1, a competition was announced for the best design of a tower honoring the emergence of the Space Age and by 1964 the titanium 107 metres tall structure with 77° incline was officially open. Hosted by The Museum of Cosmonautics http://www.museum.ru/M329, there actually is an English version website https://kosmo-museum.ru/?locale=en detailing events with historical background. The monument is extraordinary for several reasons. First, it was built during the depth of the Bolshevik rule during the former Soviet Union when funding was tight and people we are starving. Second, it’s predictive of the Russian’s accomplishments in space and as a civilization. The iron curtain fell in 1989. Today Russia is becoming an economic leader with its gold backed Ruble and a head of the BRIC’s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS) monetary system. Western nations like Canada are drowning in debt and socialism as the old guard’s finally, publicly dying while Russia is set to be a space and financial leader. One of the Russian slogans on the monument translate:

“And our efforts were rewardedonce overcoming rightlessness and darknessby forging blazing wings    To our       Nation             And the age of ours!”

Edgar Cayce (https://www.edgarcayce.org), the American futurist predicted in the 1930’s that “Out of Russia will come hope” https://www.edgarcayce.org/about-us/blog/blog-posts/out-of-russia-will-come-hope/ appeared like the most stupid and out of touch insights any fool could imagine is now starting to seem possible 100 years later. Did the Russian Monument to the Conquerors get it right the first time? Cayce died in 1945 and didn’t live to see his prediction but we may be in luck as time will tell sooner than you think. The Best is Yet to Come! 

 Sky watch for the next month:  Download this month’s sky free chart at http://whatsouttonight.com/Resources/202306junWOTSky.pdf, https://in-the-sky.org/newscal.php?month=6&year=2023&maxdiff=6#datesel, https://www.heavens-above.com/SkyChart.aspx

  1. Crescent Moon near Mars and Venus on Solstice dusk- Wednesday, June 21st after sundown watch this trio up all until after midnight. https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20230622_20_100   
  2. Crescent Moon rise with Jupiter- Wednesday, June 14th after 03:15 am, look NEE as they travel across the sky into the dawn. https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20230614_20_100  
  3. Bootid meteor shower – Tuesday, June 27th look NEE after dusk as Comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke, the source, shoots about 10 meteors/hour. The Moon, in Virgo, will be around first quarter phase at the shower’s peak, but will set at 02:02 am for after that. https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20230627_10_100 
  4. Longest Day of the Year- Wednesday, June 21st is officially the summer solstice at 08:54 am MDT and we will have 16 hours and 22 minutes of actual daylight. Sun officially rises at 05:20 am and sets at 21:42 with high noon at 13:31. https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20230621_07_100  

Public Events for the next month:

Check out the all RASC Calgary gatherings athttps://calgary.rasc.ca/calendar2023.htm 

The 2023 Alberta Star-B-Q- https://calgary.rasc.ca/starbq.htm Eccles Ranch Observatory, Caroline, Alberta. July 21-23, 2023. Just two hours away from Calgary, near Caroline, Alberta, you and your family can enjoy a “cost-friendly” weekend that includes:

A fun “astro-weekend” at a time when the skies are not totally dark



A Guest Speaker

A catered, all-included Saturday Dinner

Door Prizes 

Happy Father’s Day and Welcome to Summer!

Neel Roberts is a local astronomer in Southern Alberta and welcomes your comments at Neel_Roberts@ptccanada.com, Tel: (403) 560-6574. Check out his work at http://www.ptccanada.com.

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