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Doing the right thing overrides the ‘pleasure principle’

Posted on 22 September 2021 by Ryan Dahlman

When ordinary members of the public hear the quote, “when trials come, things that are important, become really clear,” a variety of thoughts of family, relationships, quality of life and personal situations come to mind. 

For politicians, it means something different and for voters it is turning into something else. 

People in general want to be liked, even politicians. That’s why premiers like Scott Moe and Jason Kenney, a couple of good ‘ol boys, always hope that when there’s a seemingly non-economic problem, it will eventually just go away. The experts who handle the tough stuff will figure it out. 

Being a politician is more than getting a generous salary and benefits; driving around in fancy vehicles, being wined and dined at the finest establishments provincially, nationally and worldwide. 

The reason they get those perks is because once in a while you have to stand up, dig the ostrich head out of the hole and make difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions. 

The way it is supposed to go is that politicians lead. Gather the facts as best as possible, decipher it, have a vision, then look towards the future. 

Yes, sure, they understand that a quality of life greatly diminishes cannot be had by completely isolating themselves nor can businesses survive. That’s fact. No argument there. 

However, to even have a life greatly diminishes in percentages if there is no long term plan. And there isn’t/wasn’t. 

It was all going to go away. “Don’t worry, we got this,” the public was told. In fact in Alberta we were told that the pandemic was basically over and not to be concerned about the reported latest wave despite concerns expressed by physicians and medical experts.

Best. Summer. Ever. 

Fake it til you make it: isn’t that the battlecry for many going through rough times? Pretend the problem isn’t there? Just plough through until you get to the other side? 

Hold your hands over your ears and yell loudly “la la la la la la, I don’t hear youuuu!”

Except, as a politician, you can’t be like the normal public. You have to listen to not only the public aka voters who are mealtickets to the next election, you need to listen to those who may not sure the same sense of carefree confidence about the pandemic. 

The problem with this government is that for some reason — Arrogance? Immaturity? Greed? — they didn’t listen to qualified experts, namely the health care officials. I guess it’s difficult to consult with people that you are trying to replace with cheaper versions while eliminating universal health care bit by bit.

But, here we are. 

It seems ridiculous trying to reward people who are completely incapable of being convinced this pandemic is real or are so adamant that their rights are being violated by getting vaccinated. 

The last few weeks, anti-vaxxers were cruelly holding protests outside of hospitals, insisting this is all fake news or their rights were being violated. CTV did a story where longtime contributor Avis Favro went to a hospital in Hamilton where they documented what medical personnel face in intensive care units with all of the Covid-19 cases. CTV tweeted that they had calls from people saying the report was staged in a studio or theatre. CTV then released more raw and extremely painful to watch unedited footage to prove it. 

Those who are against masking, inoculations will never be convinced, ever. 

The “frat boy” solution was to try and pay people off that weren’t vaccinated by convincing them of giving them $100 to stay their friend in Alberta. 

That didn’t even work.

So now, the only other thing that can be done is what was to take away the fun stuff as punishment. The health experts pleaded with government to do something. So now that there is no other choice as hospital ICUs are overflowing with beleaguered hospital staff and extremely scared and frustrated patients who have had surgeries cancelled, now there is the implementation of proof of vaccination to dine inside restaurants (patios probably won’t be open in the winter just in case you were wondering), facilities which have activities or events that are still going on.

The inaction of both Alberta and Saskatchewan government to get this started was all because they wanted to have a good time during the summer (and previously) without taking a leadership role and saying and being responsible. Those MLAs within in government who toed the party line in order to maintain status quo, keep the peace and ensure possible assertion within party ranks should be ashamed too. Sometimes you have to be grown ups.

Life deals you tough hands every once in a while and it is how you deal with them that either makes you stronger or causes chaos. Because popularity amongst political supporters and their own personal thinking (see Kenney/Calgary Stampede) superceded the right thing to do, now there’s political flailing. It is a matter of time before Kenney and Shandro turn on Chief Medical Officer Deena Shandro who has been vilified in all of this by both by the government (convenient scapegoat) and those who wanted her to speak out and do something earlier.

Least of all forgetting Hinshaw, Kenney and Shandro were not seen for about three weeks in August — enjoying the best summer I guess. 

Now that the ICUs in hospitals are overwhelmed, next up: the courts and judicial system. The same people who generally complaining about the Constitution will now be running to eager, salivating lawyers who are about to be flooded with “I know my rights” cases when it comes to no longer freely accessing post secondary institutions, sporting and cultural events amongst others. 

“My human rights have been violated!!!” 

“All the sheeple are being led to slaughter, government can’t make me take that magnet and Bill Gates-inducing vaccine.”


Somewhere a grumpy conspiracy theorist believes all the Covid-19 active and death numbers are still fake; a medical worker or a teacher (not to mention some business owners) is beyond emotional repair and a constitutional lawyer is smiling. 

Hope the best summer was worth it. It is tragically too late for many devastated friends and family who have lost loved ones, but hopefully the trails have now made things clear to those who are supposedly in charge. 

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